Business Requirements
While writing a Business Requirements Document, a team of stakeholders establishes consensus of what will take place during the project in order to accomplish the goals of the project, and why it is important that the project team successfully accomplishes those goals.
A Business Requirements Document begins by defining the project’s goal and then goes on to define what needs to be done for the project goals to be reached. Business Requirements Documents are an integral part of keeping the project team --and other project stakeholders-- on track in regards to what needs to be done and why.
It is important that project goals do not just define the problems that the project addresses but also identifies the opportunities that the successful completion of the project will realize.
The two most detailed sections of a Business Requirements Document are the Business Rules Section and the Business Process Maps Section. The Business Rules Section defines the new Business Rules that will be put in place when the project is completed, and the Business Process Maps Section defines the new business processes that are required in order to support the new Business Rules. Business Rules should be concise and concrete. Business Rules should be as short as possible while still fully specifying all the required logic of the Business Rule. Business Process Maps should contain a medium amount of detail. Very specific business process information should be linked to the Business Process Maps.
View a Sample Business Requirements Template.